In a relentless effort to safeguard the lives of peace-loving residents of Osun State, the OC Anti-Kidnapping of Osun Amotekun, Raji Kazeem and his team at the weekend met with Fulani at IlaOrangun to discuss ways by which the incidences of kidnapping and abductions at the borders could be tackled headlong.
The meeting was called after a distress call that some Fulani had entered Ila-Orangun through Agbamu road in Kwara State, the Amotekun operatives who swung into action immediately to curtail any unlawful act met the Fulani in the Forest with their belongings, were approached to know their mission in Ila-Orangun, which they confessed of coming from Kwara State to settle down in Ila-Orangun. They were instructed to go back to where they were coming from as they didn’t follow the due process in getting to the state.
While meeting with the Seriki of Fulani in Ila-Orangun, Alhaji Jimoh Ibrahim on the unlawful entry of Fulani to Ila-Orangun through Agbamu road.
Alhaji Jimoh Ibrahim, Seriki Fulani of Ila-Orangun which comprises Bororo, applauded the Amotekun operatives for the way and manner of handling the case and for their wonderful performance all this while tackling criminality in the state, he promised the corps that the concerned Fulani will go back to where they come from immediately, he assured the Amotekun of his readiness to work with the corps in flushing out the bad eggs.
Osun residents may recall that the Corps Commander of Osun Amotekun Corps, Brig. Gen. Bashir Adewinmbi during his New Year greeting to the people of Osun State stated his readiness to partner with all relevant stakeholders and deploy both kinetic and non-kinetic approaches to ensure that the lives and property of citizens and residents of Osun State, were protected.
Adewinmbi assured the residents of osun his readiness to protect them and ensure that their collaborative effort in the onerous task of ridding the state especially our forests of kidnappers and criminal elements would be well appreciated. He emphasized that the activities of these kidnappers would be permanently checked the moment the fight was taken to the criminals in their hides by the way Amotekun in collaboration with other security agencies.
The Corps Commander also disclosed that a specially trained and equipped Anti-Kidnapping team is already in place to work with the police in confronting the monsters named kidnappers and abductors.